[2012/08/13|新聞] インディペンデント紙( イギリス) で外国人記者クラブでの記者会見 (8/13)が紹介されました


2012年8月13日(月)、自由報道協会 麹町報道会見場で、株式会社わもん代表取締役 薮原秀樹氏 記者会見が行われた。東京電力福島第一原発事故の収束作業を陣頭指揮し、食道がんのため昨年12月に退任した前福島第一原発所長の吉田昌郎氏をインタビューしたビデオ映像が8月11日、福島市の福島テルサでの講演会で公開された。このビデオ映像は人材育成コンサルタント・薮原秀樹氏によって7月10日、東京都内で撮影されたもの。薮原氏は2011年10月から、月1回、一泊二日のペースで福島第一原発の免震重要棟に入り、吉田前所長以下、作業員延べ250人のメンタルケアを無償ボランティアで行ってきた。

Former Fukushima plant manager Yoshida’s interview video with Hideki Yabuhara
Description :
Professional Luncheon
Hideki Yabuhara, President of Wamon Inc.
薮原 秀樹, 株式会社わもん 代表取締役
*With Former Fukushima daiichi plant manager Yoshida’s exclusive interview video
12:30-14:30, Monday, August 13, 2012
(The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation)
Hideki Yabuhara advocates a new approach to interpersonal communication based on disciplined listening, called “wamon”. And he serves as a human resources development consultant to government bodies, corporations, and schools. Beginning in October 2011, Yabuhara started monthly visits to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the site of the ongoing nuclear crisis, to provide emotional support for plant manager Masao Yoshida and other top staff. On July 10 in Tokyo, he conducted an exclusive interview with Yoshida. A 28-minute video of that interview will be shown and then Yabuhara will discuss the interview and his experience counseling Fukushima Daiichi Plant workers.
 This will be only the second time the video has been publicly shown and the first time it’s ever been seen by the foreign media. It will be a rare opportunity to hear directly from the man at the very center of the nuclear crisis. (Note: Video recording will be prohibited during the screening.)
 Please reserve in advance, 3211-3161 or on the website (still & TV cameras inclusive). The charge for members/non-members is 1,700/2,600 yen, non-members eligible to attend may pay in cash (menu: sauteed loin of pork with chasseur sauce, crushed potato and green vegetables). Reservations canceled less than one hour in advance for working press members, and 24 hours for all others, will be charged in full. Reservations and cancellations are not complete without confirmation. For meal service, please enter the room by 12:25.
Professional Activities Committee
